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In this premiere episode of season three of the podcast, my wife Rebecca, co-host Niki Reitmayer and I discuss what life it like with Parkinson’s three years after diagnosis and what impact has COVID-19 had on us and others with PD. Communication came up as a relatively new and big issue in the Gifford home. For 20 years, our instinctive interactions were a fun and easy part of our relationship. Now I take things literal when Rebecca is being figurative, she has to repeat herself over and over again, and I get trapped in my Parkinson’s bubble at certain times of the day. “It gets frustrating,” says Rebecca. “Because, I've repeated myself a couple of times on something and it's still not retained. For me, it's re learning patience and understanding and knowing that it's not just that he's too busy and he's not paying attention or whatever. No, it's the Parkinson's.” Larry and Rebecca also share how they are working together and individually to improve the communication glitches the Parkinson’s is causing. Thank you for listening. Add your voice to the show and leave a message for us here; Follow us, Larry a Rebecca Gifford Twitter: @ParkinsonsPod Facebook: Instagram: @parkinsonspod Follow Co-host and Producer Niki Reitmeyer Twitter: @Niki_Reitmayer Thank you to… Omotola Thomas Sally Bromley Jayne Calder For more info on our presenting partner Parkinson Canada head to The toll free hotline 1-800-565-3000 Or follow them on Twitter Parkinson Canada @ParkinsonCanada Thanks also to our content and promotional partners Parkinson’s IQ + You– A free, series of Parkinson’s events from the Michael J. Fox Foundation Spotlight YOPD – The only Parkinson’s organization dedicated to raising awareness for Young Onset Parkinson’s disease and funds for the Cure Parkinson’s Trust. PD Avengers - We want to help end Parkinson’s disease. Join us. World Parkinson Congress 2022 –Make plans to join us for #WPC2022 in Barcelona, Spain. See for privacy information.