Ep. 18 A doctor fights against CON laws
https://accadandkoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Portrait-Singh-e1533255143480.jpg ()Dr. Gajendra Singh Our guest on this episode is Dr. Gajendra Singh, a well-respected surgeon who decided to provide affordable ultrasound, CT, and MRI imaging to his community. A few months into his endeavor, he was confronted by his state’s “certificate of need” laws telling him that providing affordable healthcare was illegal. His response: to sue the government. GUEST: Gajendra Singh, MD: https://twitter.com/gajendra760 (Twitter) and E-mail LINKS: Dr. Singh’s Forsyth Imaging Center: http://forsythimaging.com/index.html (Website) and https://www.facebook.com/Forsythimaging/ (Facebook Page) “https://www.mercatus.org/tags/healthcare-favoritism (Healthcare)https://www.mercatus.org/tags/healthcare-favoritism ( Favoritism):” The Mercatus Center at George Mason University’s analyses on Certificate of Needs Laws Article featuring Dr. Singh on https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/7/31/17629526/mri-cost-certificate-of-need-north-carolina-lawsuit (Vox.com) Dr. Singh featured on the https://ij.org/press-release/n-c-doctor-sues-to-break-up-state-enforced-medical-monopoly/ (Institute for Justice’s website) RELATED EPISODES: https://accadandkoka.com/episode10/ (Free Market Medicine is ethical, affordable, and unstoppable.) WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/NNOyQQbn4pg (Watch the episode) on our YouTube channel Support this podcast