Ep. 17 Hope in the fight against MOC
https://accadandkoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Wes-photo-e1532846231336.jpg ()Dr. Westby Fisher Our guest this week is Dr. Wes Fisher who is leading the fight against the American Board of Internal Medicine and its self-serving tactics to force thousands of physicians to comply with the onerous Maintenance of Certification Program. We learn of Wes’ new initiatives that stand a realistic chance of turning the tide against the quasi regulatory monopoly of the board-certifying agencies. GUEST: Westby Fisher, MD http://drwes.blogspot.com/ (website) and https://twitter.com/doctorwes (Twitter) LINKS: https://www.gofundme.com/practicing-physicians-of-america (GOFUNDME link) to raise funds to complete the pre-litigation investigation. https://practicingphysician.org/ (PRACTICING PHYSICIANS OF AMERICA) A grassroots organization co-founded by Dr. Fisher. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/RXmTYoNCbbU (Watch the episode) on our YouTube channel Support this podcast