Ep. 10 Free-market medicine: Ethical, workable, and unstoppable
https://accadandkoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/g-keith-smith-e1536118435736.jpg ()Dr. G. Keith Smith We have a terrific interview with G. Keith Smith, co-founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma and of the Free Market Medical Association. Keith gives us an overview of his pioneering experience and clearly makes the case that free markets are ethical, workable and, ultimately, unstoppable. LINKS: http://surgerycenterok.com (Surgery Center of Oklahoma) (Twitter: https://twitter.com/SurgeryCenterOK (@SurgeryCenterOK)) https://surgerycenterok.com/category/blog/ (G. Keith Smith’s blog) http://fmma.org (Free Market Medical Association) WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/TDLfoXxb6RM (Watch the episode) on our YouTube channel Support this podcast