Ep. 1 Confessions of a pharma-fed doctor
After an opinion piece in JAMA Internal Medicine once again showed the influence of drug company payments on physician practices, Anish comes clean about his relationship with Big Pharma. We discuss that potential conflict of interests but place it in the context of broader COIs in health care that no one ever talks about. LINKS: Mitchell et al. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2677058 (Pharmaceutical Industry Payments and Oncologists’ Selection of Targeted Cancer Therapies in Medicare Beneficiaries.) (JAMA Internal Medicine) Michel Accad, http://alertandoriented.com/the-pharma-fed-doctor/ (The Pharma-Fed Doctor) (Alert and Oriented blog) WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/2PofDgPd6r0 (Watch the episode) on our YouTube channel Support this podcast