Episode 25: Brenna Gets Dominated!
What's up, kinky friends! This is quite the episode of Front Porch Swingers! This time around, we detail Brenna and Brian meeting with an experienced Dom, and Brenna's incredibly hot alone-time with him. He touched her in all the right ways.....Trust us, this is one sexy episode, one that resulted in us recording and IMMEDIATELY fucking for hours!
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If you are located in the Denver area and want to hang out with us and other sexy swingers April 11-14th, hit us up for all of the details of our upcoming Denver trip! You can see venues and times on our Kasidie.com community page, Front Porch Swingers! Or feel free to shoot us an email at mail@frontporchswingers.com. It will be a weekend full of friendship, fun, and maybe even sex!