Should Your School District Have A Podcast? Learn One Elementary Schools Success Story Today!

Educational Podcasting Today is a weekly podcast that celebrates podcasters and podcasting. Its mission is to help educators learn how to create podcasts and amazing WordPress websites for their podcasts. For more information, please visit This show is dedicated to school districts across the world who are searching for ways to promote their teachers and students. The districts who are looking to build a brand in their community. I have received many great emails and tweets over the last few weeks and so many have asked the question: “How can I get my school district to start a podcast?” In today's episode, we take a look at a school district who has successfully created not only one, but two podcasts to share their story and we also answer a voice message that came in last week from a Superintendent looking to help his school through podcasting. Show TopicsHow does a school or school district start a podcast? What services are available for free when starting a podcast? What topics should a school district podcast cover? Resources DiscussedPodcasting Articles of the Week Two Thumbs Up Media Directory: ( Podcast Recorded in May 2015

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