08 Mindfulness of the body (3)
Meditation: body scan. Single-pointedly focus on sensations (both outer and inner) at one target area, scanning the body from top to bottom as instructed in the guided meditation.
Teaching: Alan introduces some Sautrāntika philosophy—view of reality—to help us observe closely. There are 1) things that exist and 2) things that don’t exist. Among things that exist, there are 1a) real and 1b) unreal. Real phenomena constitute anything that can be perceived directly or with the help of instruments. Unreal phenomena exist only because we say so—i.e., conceptual designations.
This framework helps us in the practice of the 4 applications of mindfulness to distinguish through careful observation between 1) what’s being presented and 2) what’s being superimposed.
Q1. In the practice of the 5 elements, each element appears to be in flux, so does each element contain air element?
Q2. Is the experience of prana (lelung) upon achieving shamatha the same as kundalini?
Q3. Can walking meditation be integrated into shamatha practice?
Q4. How to refresh and renew interest in the breath without tension?
Q5. Do the 3 shamatha practices present a gradual progression from gross to subtle? And if so, does this mean that we have to master all 3 practices to achieve shamatha?
Meditation starts at 10:50