062: Understanding Female Sexual Wiring (Guest on “On The Brighter Side”)
This episode #062 “Understanding Female Sexual Wiring” comes from a super fun conversation certified sex therapist, Laura M. Brotherson had with the fabulous Monica Tanner of the “On the Brighter Side” podcast. Monica asks all about the 12 T’s of female sexual wiring found in the 12 chapters of Laura’s book Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage to help women (and men) better understand all the intricacies of how women are wired so that they can also create their own “sextraordinary” marriage!
Resources mentioned:
- Book – Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage
- Handout - Knowing HER Intimately– 12 Essential Ingredients for a Sextraordinary Marriage (OVERVIEW) – (see MaritalIntimacyInstitute.com | Resources Page)
- Handout – Rocket Fuel for Female Sexual Desire – How Women Get in the Mood (Diagram)
- Handout – Bridges to Desire – Getting From 0 - 60 Sexually
- Handout – Sexual Accelerators & Brakes Worksheet
- Workshop – “Sexual Wholeness Workshop for Women” (Sep 19, 2020) – (see StrengtheningMarriage.com| Events Page)
You can find Laura on Instagram or Facebook (@StrengtheningMarriage) and check out her websites:
- StrengtheningMarriage.com
- MaritalIntimacyInstitute.com
- TheMaritalIntimacyShow.com - “The Marital Intimacy Show” podcast website