061: Is Marital Intimacy Still a Question Mark? (Guest on Balance reDefined)
In this episode #061 - “Is Marital Intimacy Still a Question Mark?” - learn about the top issues for women regarding marital intimacy, what holds women back from wanting and fully enjoying intimacy, and how women can make things better in their marriages. Laura joins Connie Sokol on the “Balance reDefined” radio show to help women recognize and work through the intimacy issues they face in their marriages.
Resources mentioned:
- Book – Knowing HER Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage
- Handout - Knowing HER Intimately– 12 Essential Ingredients for a Sextraordinary Marriage (OVERVIEW) – (see MaritalIntimacyInstitute.com | Resources Page)
- Workshop – “Sexual Wholeness Workshop for Women” (Sep 19, 2020) – (see StrengtheningMarriage.com| Events Page)
You can find Laura on Instagram or Facebook (@StrengtheningMarriage) and check out her websites:
- StrengtheningMarriage.com
- MaritalIntimacyInstitute.com
- TheMaritalIntimacyShow.com - “The Marital Intimacy Show” podcast website