Let's Get IGNTD About Mental Health And Addiction Recovery: Dr. Adi Jaffe
One of our best interviews to date is with Dr. Adi Jaffe of www.igntd.me. His talks all over the globe are always a surprise for the audience. You'll find out why on this show. Great back and forth discussions about how the industry behind behavioral health has got to change in order to truly be effective. He's a disrupter - expect the unexpected and enjoy the show!Dr. Jaffe received his Ph.D., in Psychology, from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and his TEDx talk has been watched, and lauded, throughout the world for its authenticity and insight. Check out his visit with Dr. Oz here. Using tools as varied as cognitive behavioral education, mindfulness techniques and the latest in biofeedback and neurofeedback, Dr. Jaffe has been known to change lives.www.nationalcouncil.orgwww.igntd.me