Minimalism: Caring For Your Soul In The Digital Age With Joshua Garrin, Ph.D.
Join Joshua Garrin and host Kristin Sunanta Walker as they talk about the importance of Minimalism. Two highly empathic people at it again sharing trusted emotional space for and with each other on another show. Caring for your soul in the age of the digital imprint is a full-time job. Dig in with both of them to find out how to stay focused on being present in your life. Joshua holds a Ph.D. in health psychology, an M.S. in cognitive psychology, and a B.S. in general psychology and journalism. Following the completion of his doctorate in 2014, Joshua was the recipient of Walden University’s Harold L. Hodgkinson Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research for his inquiry on health beliefs, outcome expectancies, and stress appraisal in college seniors. In addition, he is the recipient of Walden University’s 2015 Presidential Alumni Research Dissemination Award for having published his award-winning dissertation research via multiple literary channels.As a health psychologist, Joshua’s interests focus on the intrinsic motives that underlie sustained health behavior change—seven of which serve as the conceptual framework discussed in his upcoming book, “The I-Way to Well: Mapping the Seven Selves of Health Motivation”, which is scheduled for launch in early