TDI Podcast: Debunking Market Myths (#701)
The greatest casino in the world! Stock making all sorts of moves – pops and drops, so what to trim and why to trim. Bitcoin hits record, Stocks hit a record, and I feel like a broken record... Debunking some of the well known market narratives, in other words; correlation does not imply causation. It is official, TDI - the longest running financial/investing podcast in history! And listener questions… Follow @andrewhorowitz Savvy investors use PortfolioAnalyst to create a consolidated view of their finances and check the health of their complete financial portfolio.Sign Up for Free at CHECK IT OUT! This episode is sponsored by Masterworks. Sign up today and use the Promo Code TDI Visit Read the Masterworks Disclaimer Looking for style diversification? More information on the TDI Managed Growth Strategy - eNVESTOLOGY Info - Friday Pre-Market Run-Down Webinar Registration - Stocks mentioned in this episode: (QS), (HTZ), (XLE)