#135 Michigan Ross MBAs Reflect on Their First Year & Discuss the Journey Ahead
Guest Host Sabaina Kamara, Michigan Ross MBA '19, invites her friend and classmate Kashay Sanders to share her experience as a first year MBA student at the Ross School of Business.
Listen to get a real-time, inside look into the "MBA1" experience at a top b-school like Ross.
- Kashay's background (3:32)
- First year internships and student activities (4:59)
- Reflections on the "MBA1" year and lessons learned (6:58)
- Multidisciplinary Action Project (MAP) at Ross (10:54)
- Dealing with imposter syndrome when switching industries/functions (16:16)
- First year summer plans (17:50)
- Healthy team dynamics at business school and getting to know classmates (20:47)
- MTreks (26:34)
- Kashay's Vision for Ross as President of the MBA Council (27:59)
- Kashay's advice to MBA applicants (31:10)
About our Guest Host
Sabaina Kamara is currently an MBA student at the Ross School of Business. Prior to starting her MBA, Sabaina worked in as an HR Analyst at a management and employment law firm, focusing on HR compliance for diversity and inclusion. Sabaina is interested in pursuing a career as a strategy consultant post MBA. Sabaina will be interning at Deloitte Strategy & Operations in New York City this summer.
About Our Guest
Kashay Sanders is committed to building healthy workplace cultures to help people, and organizations, operate at their best. Prior to Ross, Kashay worked within the international development, government and nonprofit sectors, leading and designing programs aimed at gender equity, workforce development, neighborhood safety and ending homelessness. Kashay graduated from Dartmouth College in 2011, with a B.A. in Women's & Gender Studies and minors in Anthropology and Japanese. As an MBA student at Ross, Kashay is President of the MBA Council, a +Lab Fellow, and active member of the Human Capital Club. Kashay will be joining Microsoft this summer within the HR Trax Rotational Program in Seattle, WA.
Episode summary, show notes and more at: http://touchmba.com/michigan-ross-mbas-reflect-on-their-first-year-discuss-the-journey-ahead