#105 Life as a Business School Professor with Gregor Halff

Amid all the attention paid to rankings, average salaries, and ROI, one crucial part of the MBA experience often gets overlooked - faculty. After all, you are spending more than 700 hours in class at most top MBA programs. In this episode, Darren invites Professor Gregor Halff to give you a behind the scenes look at the life of a business school professor. What does their typical day look like? What are their responsibilities? What are they looking for from MBA students? And what should MBA applicants look for and expect from MBA faculty? Listen on to better understand what b-school professors do and how this could influence your experience.

About Our Guest

Gregor Halff is Professor of Corporate Communication (Practice) & Deputy Dean, Singapore Management University (SMU). He is also Chair of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management. Gregor got his PhD in Communication from Westfõlische Wilhelms-Universitõt and was previously Managing Director for Publicis Group, one of the largest communications company in the world.

Episode summary, links and more at: http://touchmba.com/life-as-a-business-school-professor

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