Episode 35: Nipple Clamps and Camper Sex
Episode 35 of the sexy swinger podcast, Front Porch Swingers, is jam packed with sexy stuff! First, we answer some of the listener questions we have received recently: We explain our favorite types of BDSM play, how to use nipple clamps and clothespins in a sexy and safe way, and how to "speed date" at swingers events. Then, we outline Brenna's time with her play partner in a camper! Don't miss the slutty details! Instagram @FPSwingers Twitter @FPSwingers Kasidie username: Frontporch swingers Kasidie community page: Front Porch Swingers! Youtube Channel: Front Porch Swingers Don't forget to check out our sex toy store, at shopfrontporchswingers.com. Receive 15% off your order when you use our promo code, FPSPod! Check out which floggers, crops, dildos and plugs we personally use and recommend!