Episode 10: Two Couples and a Strap-On
We met a super sexy couple at our second swingers party a few months back. We had been DYING to play with them, but work schedules prevented it. Finally, we got our chance! And trust me, the details will blow your mind! This sex-fueled wife swap episode includes some intense girl-on-girl play, some naughty filming, and so much more! PLUS, we announce some very big news for the future of the podcast, and some new ways to connect with us! Check out our sexy swinger blog at Frontporchswingers.com. We are very active on Twitter @FPSwingers as well as Instagram at Front_porch_swingers. You can check out both our Kasidie.com profile and our community, both called Front Porch Swingers. As always, we LOVE receiving your stories, feedback, and love via email at mail@frontporchswingers.com.