The Role of Herbs In Heroic Medical Interventions
When we talk about “heroic” medical interventions, we mean the high-potency, high-risk (and potentially high-reward) tools that define conventional medicine. Pharmaceuticals, surgeries, cutting-edge experimental procedures – that kind of thing. While these treatments tend to get all the credit, they depend for a large part of their success on unglamorous, workaday support. A well-nourished person is more likely to survive and respond well to intense treatment. So is one who is well-slept and has the support of a caring community. A recent experience with an end-of-life client case brought this home for us.
Skillful care can be the difference between a successful experimental treatment case and one that goes poorly. Herbalism is like this! When we work with clients undergoing palliative care or those in hospice, our intention with herbs is not to “cure”. Instead, it’s to help become more resilient, build endurance, and enable the body to cope with the stress of the illness itself and the harsh treatments conventional medicine offers. This complementary approach brings the best of both worlds.
Sometimes, heroic medical interventions really are necessary. If so, it doesn’t mean herbs are out of the question! Listen to this episode for our thoughts on how and why to include holistic herbalism even in serious cases.
Herbs discussed: chamomile, ginger, seaweeds, nettles, wild lettuce, ashwagandha, codonopsis, violet, chickweed, tulsi, rose, vanilla, & betony.
Mentioned in this podcast:
- Emergent Responder – Katja’s deep dive into post-disaster and austere herbalism, first aid & long-term care, and emergency clinic management.
- How To Choose The Right Herbs for Sleep
- Three Sleep Strategies especially for when it’s the going to bed part that’s giving you trouble.
- Top 7 Herbs for Nutritionists & Dietitians – this episode highlights our favorite nutritive & digestive herbs. These can help in palliative care situations too!
- Anti-Inflammatory Herbs Beyond Turmeric – many herbs have anti-inflammatory effects, and these are valuable in almost all cases of chronic illness. Expand your horizons in this episode!
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