Delphi: Missing
SEASON 1: Delphi EPISODE 2:: Missing Abby and Libby were dropped at a Delphi Historic Trails trailhead by a family member, and their walk took them atop the towering Monon High Bridge. After that, they disappeared. Their families launched an all-out effort to find the girls before the cold and dark set in. But the teens were nowhere to be seen. By the next day, their innocent outdoor adventure would have a tragic ending. The Sponsor for this episode is Hello Fresh. to get 10 free meals with free shipping, use code Scene10 at checkout If you have any information about Libby and Abby, please call the tip line at 1-844-459-5786 or send email Download the Himalaya App for free right now, and sign up for a Scene of the Crime Premium community membership to binge every episode of season 1 of Scene of the Crime AD-free right now, You'll also get exclusive access to bonus content, behind the scenes conversation about each episode, full interviews, case updates, and more, all for just $5.99 per month. Scene of the Crime is brought to you through a collaboration between AbJack Entertainment and Himalaya. Episode Credits- Narration: Natalie Gray Research and writing: Jessica Bettencourt Technical adviser: Gray Hughes Consulting Producer: Kelsi German Producers:Gray Hughes, Jessica Bettencourt, Mike Morford Executive Producer: Mike Morford of AbJack Entertainment Editing and engineering support: Histudios Special thanks to: the families of Liberty German and Abigail Williams, Kelsi German,Mike Patty, Becky Patty, and Anna Williams. Thanks also goes out to Indiana State Police superintendent, Doug Carter, Robert Ives, Paul Holes, Dr. Katherine M. Brown, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Drew Collins, Michel Bennett, and Bree Wilber You can find Scene of the Crime Podcast on Twitter with the handle @SceneOfCrimePod