Done-in-One Wonders Episode #4: Who Xumed the Flash?
Everything goes topsy-turvy when Professor Xum reviews a comic story which completely surprised his ten-year-old self when it revealed the antagonist’s true identity. Note: No surprise guest villain co-host this episode. Featuring: Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #74 For those who skip the Done-in-One Wonders Electronic Mailroom (which begins at time index 1:18:45), be sure to at least scroll to the last few minutes (beginning at time index 1:49:22) to find out about the STARTLING NEW DIRECTION for the Podcast Wonder Show. Images from this episode: Music by Hoyt Curtin and the Manic Street Preachers. With special thanks to Will Rodgers for providing the voice of Superman. And most gracious thanks to Shannon Farnon for reprising her “Super Friends” role of Lois Lane. Have a question or comment:
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