105: The Resistance Part Two: Will it Ever Stop?
In this Episode 105: The Resistance Part Two: Will it Ever Stop? I discuss: *what the resistance is, and how some people interpret these 'messages' from the Universe *my previous false belief system that the Resistance should be gone at some point *the clarification and perspective my Coach gave me on this, and how this old paradigm was smashed from this *when you Level Up in your Life, and the Resistance surfaces, why you need to embrace it, and be thankful for it Listen to the latest Women Wanting More podcast episode in iTunes here. MORE TIP Take a look at Resistance that has come up in your Life. Then read the book or listen to the Audiobook of Loving What Is by Byron Katie, print up the Judge Your Neighbor Worksheets, and begin to do The Work. RESOURCES Episode 104: The Resistance Part One: What is it? Episode 92: Your Current Challenge is Your Greatest Gift Episode 82: It Doesn't Have to Suck Then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page to let me know what has come up for you with this. RESOURCES Request to be added to my private FB Community: Women Who Want MORE Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali) Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!