100: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
In this Episode 100: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable, I discuss: *my recent experience in a Restorative Yoga Class, and how new poses were uncomfortable for me *the parallels of this experience and having to hold plank at the ShieldMaiden coaching event a few weeks ago *the only way to get to a better place , is to push past threshold, or through the uncomfortable *how we are often so afraid to be uncomfortable (and to see it in other people), but how there are so many gifts in this place Listen to the latest Women Wanting More podcast episode in iTunes here. MORE TIP Do something uncomfortable TODAY: in the gym or with a conversation with someone you need to have. Getting uncomfortable is how you grow. Then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page to let me know what has come up for you with this. RESOURCES Episode 67: Do Whatever it Takes Episode 21: Why the Middle Hurts the Most Episode 13: Speak Your Truth...Even if Your Voice Shakes Request to be added to my private FB Community: Women Who Want MORE Watch the Replay of my 90 Days of MORE Webinar, learn How to do a Positive Focus (a powerful tool to shift your Mindset) and to be one of the first 30 Women to begin the 90 Day of More Online Coaching Program Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali) Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!