90: Are You Willing to Do the Work?
In this Episode 90: Are You Willing to Do the Work? I discuss: *what women have told me about what are there biggest problems, and how I put it all together after being introduced to the Warrior on Fire podcast, but for women *the common themes I’m hearing from women in my coaching call applications for the Women Wanting More 90 Day Coaching Experience *but RESULTS will not happen by itself *are you the one that creates excuses to getting what you want? *how I worked really hard to find the means to be able to be a part of my coaching program I am in ShieldMaiden…but could I knew it would change my Life *what it will take to GET WHAT YOU WANT, and how I will not hold back to help you SEE THE TRUTH Listen to the latest Women Wanting More podcast episode in iTunes here. MORE TIP Start telling the TRUTH. Stop lying. Look at where you are in your Life right now. Be honest. Write it down. And then write down: 1)WHAT do you Want 2) WHY do you want it 3) WHAT are the necessary required actions to get you WHAT you want Journal all of this. And then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page to let me know what has come up for you from this. RESOURCES Episode 87: What Say You, Sister? Episode 60: Shut Up and Listen to the Voice Episode 45: Why I’m Punching Women in the Face Catch the Replay of the Women Wanting More 90 Day Coaching Experience Webinar: Mindset Matters . I'm opening up only 4 more for the next group of Women to go deep in this Group Mastermind Experience and Learn How to Have it All. Book your application call to see if you are a fit here. Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali) Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!