77: Stop That Snowball, Sister!
In this Episode 77: Stop That Snowball, Sister! I discuss: *when bad things happen, they happen all at once…have you been fed that lie? *the Snowball Effect, and how you can stop it in your life *how a recent experience in my life snowballed, and my responsibility in it all Listen to the latest Women Wanting More podcast episode in iTunes here. MORE TIP: Ask yourself these questions: What do you want? WHY do you want it? What are the necessary required actions you need to do to get you what you want? Then journal this and start doing the work. And then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page, and share what what that ONE thing you will do TODAY to start owning your POWER. RESOURCES Episode 12: Create a New Story to Get MORE Episode 53: The Power of the Positive Focus Episode 55: Put the Hammer Down Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali) Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!