53: The Power of the Positive Focus
Well ain't life just a big poop sandwich some days? So what? Are you going to continue to live the story and drama of what happened? Or would you like a tool to move through it, and learn from your experience? Listen to the latest episode of Women Wanting More on iTunes here. In this Episode 53: The Power of the Positive Focus, I discuss: *the 'fun' evening my husband and I had putting our boys to bed tonight *how you can take any hard situation, and apply the Positive Focus to it *me in real time, taking the 'fun' experience tonight with my 2 year old (yes, you have to listen to the episode to find out what it was!), and turning it all around MORE TIP: Think of a tough situation you have had in your Life today, this week, or this month. Ask yourself the following questions about it: WHAT was it? Just the facts of what happened, not your story of the facts. WHY did it happen? Positively reframe the situation WHAT is the LESSON learned from it? How can you APPLY this lesson to the areas of Body, Being, Balance, and Business? What-Why-Lesson-Apply Then email, FB message me, or post on my personal or Women Wanting More FB page about your experience going through the positive focus. RESOURCES Episode 51: Laugh Through the Pain Episode 41: Do These 2 Things When You Fall Off the Wagon Episode 25: You Always Get to Choose Your Response Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!