43: BE Who You BE
“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”-Danielle LaPorte Listen to the latest episode of Women Wanting More on iTunes here. In this Episode 43: BE Who You Be, I discuss: *the crazy day I had today, and what I learned about myself in call to apply for a coaching program *how discovering that my calling to coach women to Have it All is part of who I am *the importance of having someone in your corner that mentors, guides, and supports you in expresing and living who you fully are *why squashing, numbing, and being 'less' of who you are in order to please or not offend others is so damaging MORE TIP: Where in your Life have you been not expressing who you fully are, for fear of offending other, being rejected, or not being accepted? Take ONE STEP TODAY towards the full expression of who you truly BE. And start moving towards a Life of FREEDOM, sister. You will be FREE. RESOURCES Watch the replay of the How to Start Your Day: the MORE Four Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) Follow me on Periscope @DrKarenOsburn to continue the conversation from this episode and other random scopes I put out at least 3 times a week Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week, get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life, daily email inspiration on how to Have it All, AND the MORE Four Action Guide, too!