14: Be Humble to Become MORE
In this Episode 14: Stay Humble to Become MORE, I discuss: * how my pride handed to me at my workout today at my local Crossfit gym *the epiphany I had in this moment *the incredible lesson in humility that was delivered to me today, and the REMINDER to never get comfortable with anything in life (this equals death!) MORE TIP: Where in your life are you holding back from pushing yourself for fear of looking stupid, being laughed at, or that may appear that you don't know what you're doing? Go do it anyways. You will never get better, learn, or become MORE, if you are not willing to suck at times and be given a big ol' piece of humble pie. P.S. MASSIVE expansion comes from these moments, and if you are so afraid of them, you'll never expand. Then head on over to the Women Wanting More Facebook Page (like the page if you haven't yet) or my Personal Facebook Page, and let me know what you think of this episode! RESOURCES Crossfit Edmonton in St. Albert, Alberta (BEST gym in my area!) Follow me on Periscope: @DrKarenOsburn to continue the conversation from this episode and other scopes I put out at least 4 times a week on how to Have it All and live a life of MORE. Subscribe to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get the Show Notes for Each Episode conveniently delivered to you inbox 3 times a week AND to get your More Tip to start putting what I teach into ACTION to get MORE out of your Life! BONUS CONTENT: after the episode Periscope videos(and Blabs) are now ONLY in the Newsletter for you to watch these After-the-Show comments, rants, and feedback as I broadcast live on each show topic with viewer comments and interaction.