Taalibah Islam a Typhenie Johnson, Part One
On October 10th, 2016, Typhenie Johnson vanished while speaking with her ex-boyfriend, Christopher Revill, in east Fort Worth, Texas. It was immediately clear that Chris had kidnapped, and potentially harmed, Typhenie. The police, along with a dedicated group of volunteers conducted extensive searches, but she has not been found. After Typhenie went missing, the family of Taalibah Islam came forward to share that Taalibah had also dated Chris Revill and had vanished on January 16th, 2006 after an argument with Chris, also from east Fort Worth. For both women, Chris stated that they had gotten into a car with an unknown person and never returned. When Taalibah Islam went missing, there were no searches and no media attention. By all accounts, the police seemed to believe she had left on her own. Taalibah’s family hung fliers and made t-shirts in an effort to find Taalibah, but the case went cold. That is, until Typhenie Johnson went missing over 9 years later. You can support gone cold podcast – texas true crime by visiting https//:www.patreon.com/gonecoldpodcast. There you’ll also find an exclusive series available only to donors and ad-free listening. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter by using @gonecoldpodcast