Andrew Kehoe
We have the privilege of doing another Patreon Reward Episode. If you donate monthly at the $25 level, you get to choose the topic and we will research and produce an episode on it. Tiffany picked the Bath School Bombing, or also called the Bath School Disaster or the Bath School Massacre. The Bath School Massacre was a series of vicious bombings carried out by Andrew Kehoe on May 18th, 1927, the 90th anniversary was this past May, as a matter of fact. This is still the deadliest act of school violence in the history of the US and by the time Andrew finished with his mass murdering plot, he and 44 other people, including 38 children and his wife, would be dead and another 58 seriously injured. Tonight we will take you through why and how this school board treasurer, angered by increased taxes, was able to bring such destruction and violence to Bath Township, Michigan. Link to Interviews with Survivors: Various Links to Historical Docs and list of Victims: Join Our Facebook Group: Check Us Out Online: Like Our Facebook Page: Become a Patreon Supporter: Donate: Find Us On Apple Podcasts: Find Us On Stitcher: See for privacy and opt-out information.