198: The Monday Toast: Monday, December 2nd, 2019
Olivia Jade Returns To Youtube Gabrielle Union Speaks Out After NBC Says It's 'Working with' Actress Following AGT Firing (PEOPLE) Tinsley Mortimer engaged to Scott Kluth Relatively Nat a Liv Star and Kim Kardashian BFF Natalie Reveals She's 7 Months Pregnant (PEOPLE) 'Frozen II' Feasts on Thanksgiving Records (Box Office Mojo) The Irishman RecapThe Lion King RecapKeeping Up With The Kardashians RecapReal Housewives of Atlanta Recap The Morning Toast with Claudia (@girlwithnojob) and Jackie Oshry (@jackieoproblems) Merch: https://shopmorningtoast.com/ The Morning Toast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/themorningtoast