#65: Metropolitan Museum Director Max Hollein
A year after taking the reins of one of the world’s largest and most important art institutions, Max Hollein joins host Charlotte Burns to discuss the future of the Metropolitan Museum. Hollein discusses the distinct role he believes the Met can play in terms of contemporary art, and gives an update on recently-stalled plans for a $600m Modern and contemporary wing—part of more than $1bn the museum is slated to spend on renovations and expansions. In a week in which the Met returned to Egypt an ancient gilded coffin that had been the centerpiece of the exhibition “Nedjemankh and His Gilded Coffin”—but which prosecutors deemed to have been looted, Hollein talks about how the Met is tackling the fraught issue of cultural repatriation. He talks about the museum as a platform for debates: from the morality of where money comes from to diversity in programing and governance. For this and much more—including what success looks like to Hollein—tune in today. Transcript: https://www.artagencypartners.com/transcript-64-max-hollein/ “In Other Words” is a presentation of AAP and Sotheby’s, produced by Audiation.fm.