Sales Language: Sales Success Story with Solita Roberts

Do you ever feel numb from rejection? Perhaps it’s time to see rejection as a redirection. What if rejection was actually the sign to uncover your own path on your own terms? Your very own Sales Maven, Nikki Rausch, is here to offer tips, techniques, and strategies to master your sales conversations. Discover methods to place yourself in the position to thrive in business and produce true value for your audience. Today, learn to effectively implement the language of sales techniques from real examples on social media with this episode of the Sales Maven Show.

Solita Roberts is bringing her Sales Success Story as a Sales Maven Society member after growing comfortable with sales conversations and standing strong in her pricing for her services. Solita talks about her 15 years in banking and finances, then goes on to explain why this did not matter once she immigrated to the US. Starting over in a new country, Solita recalls that she kept getting rejection after rejection, until finally deciding to rely on her own approval, and say “yes” to building her own path.

According to Solita, the number one investment that most entrepreneurs forget is styling and image. Lacking proper investment could miss an opportunity to get people to inquire about your services further. That is how Style to Impact came into existence. Style to Impact is an image coaching, personal styling business. The initiative focuses on women entrepreneurs and founders to help them look the part, choose authentic outfits, and make sure that they show up as their authentic selves in any space they enter. 

Style is a way to feel confident, and if the style is cohesive enough, the style can signal your attractive points to your ideal clients. Nikki and Solita discuss how style leverages judgment, which methods help frame wording with a more relaxed tone, and how to be more sure about pricing of services.

Nikki wants to invite you to join the Sales Maven Society, don't miss this opportunity for you and Nikki to work together. Bring your questions, concerns, sales challenges, and she provides answers and guidance to boost your confidence. Join the Sales Maven Society here, click add to cart, and then checkout and use coupon code: 47trial to get your first month for $47.00!


In This Episode:

[00:42] - Welcome, and thank you for listening!

[02:47] - Solita Roberts shares the two main factors that led her to starting her own entrepreneurial journey.

[04:58] - Filled with hope, Solita started her business Style to Impact. What does starting mean to her?

[06:43] - Nikki shares the deeper mission behind the confidence building related to clothes and creating a cohesive look.

[09:25] - Style to Impact offers private and group coaching to bring empowerment through style. Solita explains how she brings out a woman’s personal style.

[12:05] - Dress for the client you want. Dress for the ideal client.

[15:02] - Judgements are made quickly. Nikki discusses the human nature of conclusions brought from observations.  

[16:43] - Solita emphasizes the difference between using observations to make decisions and forcing negative meanings from perceptions.

[19:13] - Nikki takes a moment to point out the NLP strategy Solita naturally used in her analogy for judgement.

[20:55] - Solita encourages anyone who wants to learn the language of sales to join the Sales Maven Society.

[23:22] - Listen to Solita tell the story of when she finally could recognize the value and pricing of her services.

[25:46] - Nikki and Soliata discuss the importance of measuring pricing that resonates with an entrepreneur’s business.

[28:29] - Solita helps connect the dots for how the language of sales built her confidence in understanding her ideal clients.

[30:58] - Nikita suggests that entrepreneurs learn to confidently state the credibility and authority of their work.

[33:28] - Solita gives a real example of testing her language of sales skills when notifying a client of a service change. Listen to what happened.

[35:31] - These are the small shifts that can make a huge impact on how entrepreneurs connect with clients beyond generic responses.

[37:29] - Nikki congratulates Solita on her tremendous success in her business as she implements new practices.

[40:22] - Solita says when thinking of investing in self, the only thing to focus on is implementing methods step by step.

[41:56] - Thank you for listening. Nikki is so grateful you are here!


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