S1E6 - "Well Within Limits"
In the mid-season finale, Kathy and Ben are looking for answers, one in the present and the other in the past. Adrienne is trying to walk the line between dangers to the crew. Meanwhile, Laura and Gordon begin an experiment to power up part of the terraformer...
Loud/Distressing Noises - A loud, high stress sequence which includes a loud alarm, four instances of explosions, two with accompanying distant screams. The same sequence also ends with a rising tone that peaks and distorts (31:13 - 31:49)
Twitter: @AmongStarsBones
Website: amongthestarsandbones.com
Patreon: patreon.com/amongthestarsandbones
Merch: TeePublic Store
Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral
Laura - Lindsey Dorcus @LindseyDorcus
Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice
Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton
Gordon - Graham Rowat @GrahamNY
Jensen - Allison Brandt @WorstHeroEver
Logan - Dylan Chambers @D33DAA
The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson
Theme music by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris