We rolled a critical hit for tabletop diversity with Donna Prior
Donna Prior, founder of OrcaCon, tabletop guru and long time player came by to discuss gaming, roll a few die and share the origin story for OrcaCon, as well as plans for next year's event.
We have tees, and other items in the #INeedDiverseGames spreadshirt shop. We’re splitting the profits 50/50 with Chachibobinks. There’s a blog to compliment the show at outoftokenscast.com If you have questions, compliments, hate mail feel free to drop a note there as well. You can also @ us on twitter; @OutOfTokensCast or email us freshoutoftokens@gmail.com.
Musical accompaniment for Fresh Out of Tokens is provided by Mike Moody. You can hear more of her work at: http://soundcloud.com/mikemoody-1
Tabletop Gaming Has a White Male Terrorism Problem
An interesting ‘response’ to the above article
Questions for Donna
Do you have any tabletop games you always want to play, or do you like to cycle through a wide variety?
Along those lines, are there tabletop publishers/creators you're a constant fan of?
Do you prefer using minis and set gameboards or pure pencil and paper around the table?
What we’re playing:
Donna: World of Warcraft, CIV V, DAI!
Tanya: Overwatch Open Beta, DAI
David: Fallout 4
Where to find our guest online
Twitter: @danicia
OrcaCon 2.0 Kickstarter is live!
Where to find your hosts online:
Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms
Twitch: twitch.tv/cypheroftyr // twitch.tv/INeedDivGames
Patreon: patreon.com/INeedDivGms // patreon.com/cypheroftyr
David L. Reeves - @RedConversation
Twitch: twitch.tv/red_conversation
Patreon: patreon.com/redconversation