Games Critique as POC Re-release
Original Shownotes:
Our fabulous guests! Katherine Cross, our dapper scholastic games critiquer extraordinaire whose work appears in Feministing and Gamasutra, next we have Tauriq Moosa, who loves the Witcher 3 while giving it a critical side eye, is wicked smart and writes for Polygon, Guardian, Daily Beast, Mary Sue, an and quite a few other places. Last but certainly not least, we have Austin Walker, who recently joined Giant Bomb, congrats on the newish gig! Apologies in advance for some audio issues. Technology turned on us mid-recording so there's been some editorial finagling done to bring you this episode.
Colorblind: On The Witcher 3, Rust,and Gaming's Race Problem - Tauriq in Polygon
More On Race, More on Witcher and how to Move Forward - Austin, Giant Bomb
Witcher 3, Race and Histriocity - Austin, Giant Bomb
Opinion: Finding Meaning in Darkest Dungeon’s Narrative Design - Katherine Cross, Gamasutra
GDC 2015 #1 Reason to Be - Katherine Cross
Rust Dev Blog on randomly Assigned race in Rust - Garry Newman
Rust Game - Penis size randomly assigned, tied to your Steam Profile - Nerdist NSFW
POC in gaming critique that people should be reading, listening to and hiring to write?
Gita Jackson (Paste Games & Match 3 Podcast)
Sidney Fussel (@Sangfroid_San/
Shareef Jackson #GamingLooksGood (Youtube, Twitch, Twitter)
Spawn On Me (Cicero Holmes & Kahlief Adams)
Leigh Alexander (Offworld)
Where to find our guests online:
Katherine Cross: Twitter = @Quinnae_Moon
Austin Walker: Austin on Giant Bomb! Twitter = @Austin_walker
Tauriq Moosa: is back on twitter, @tauriqmoosa
Where to find your hosts online:
Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms
Twitch: //
Patreon: //
David L. Reeves - Patreon, @RedConversation, twitch []