We got Jimquisited!
We got Jimquisited at Fresh out of Tokens! We spoke with one of our favorite gaming pundits about where games crit is going, changes to his style of punditry over the years, Greenlight & more!
We’re part of the Geeked.fm network along with Geeks in Sneaks, Chromatic Life and More than Bits. We have tees, and other items in the #INeedDiverseGames spreadshirt shop. We’re splitting the profits 50/50 with Chachibobinks. We’ve got a blog to compliment the show! Follow us at outoftokenscast.com If you have questions, compliments, hate mail feel free to drop a note at freshoutoftokens@gmail.com as well. Follow us on Twitter; @OutOfTokensCast
Musical accompaniment for Fresh Out of Tokens is provided by Mike Moody. You can hear more of her work at: http://soundcloud.com/mikemoody-1
Questions for Jim
Via @hydramez would you ever consider a new series with yahtzee ? Is the escapist an issue with such plans?
via @JoltStudios: Have you ever had flack for talking out against the likes of Gamergate/internet harassment?
Via @MightyGregDoge: Do you remember what inspired you to be more careful about the language you use in your content?
Via @Thain1982:
What's the worst game you've ever played? The one you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy?
You do a lot of greenlight/early access features. Do you think early access is a positive trend for PC games?
What's the one game you will always go back to and think everyone should play at least once?
What we’re playing/reading:
Jim: Unravel, Firewatch
David: Not a lot of play, but he's been watching Agent Carter
Tanya: Unravel, Firewatch, XCOM 2
Where to find our guest online
Twitter: @JimSterling
Support the Jimquisition on Patreon
Where to find your hosts online:
Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms
Twitch: twitch.tv/cypheroftyr // twitch.tv/INeedDivGames
Patreon: patreon.com/INeedDivGms // patreon.com/cypheroftyr
David L. Reeves - @RedConversation
Twitch: twitch.tv/red_conversation
Patreon: patreon.com/redconversation
Other Podcasts: Gosh, Cartoons! & a new one that is still in the works