We got our Interactive Fiction fix with Carolyn VanEseltine

We had the brilliant and lovely @mossdogmusic on, where we talked about Interactive Fiction, N.K Jemisin, writing, indie game dev and more!

We’re part of the Geeked.fm network along with Geeks in Sneaks, Chromatic Life and More than Bits. We have tees, and other items in the #INeedDiverseGames spreadshirt shop. We’re splitting the profits 50/50 with Chachibobinks. We’ve got a blog to compliment the show! Follow us at outoftokenscast.wordpress.com If you have questions, compliments, hate mail feel free to drop a note there as well.

Question: for Carolyn

@MightyGregDoge: How did she first get to know and collaborate with @inurashii ?

What we’re playing/reading:

Carolyn: Dream Quest, Rock Band 4, Undertale (just starting), and (reading) just finished the first three books in Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series

Tanya: Minecraft Story Mode (Telltale)

David R: Star Wars: Uprising

Where to find our guest online

Twitter: @mossdogmusic
Support Carolyn on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sibylmoon?ty=h

Where to find your hosts online:

Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms

Twitch: twitch.tv/cypheroftyr // twitch.tv/INeedDivGames

Patreon: patreon.com/INeedDiverseGames // Personal Patreon: patreon.com/cypheroftyr

David L. Reeves - @RedConversation

Twitch: twitch.tv/red_conversation

Patreon: patreon.com/redconversation

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