An Altus for all seasons, on how Dorian came to be with David Gaider

A long, fun conversation with Bioware's David Gaider on how Dorian Pavus came to be the Altus we know and love, life as a lead writer, and a few trips around the meta rail.

We’re part of the network along with Geeks in Sneaks, Chromatic Life and More than Bits. We have tees, and other items in the #INeedDiverseGames spreadshirt shop. We’re splitting the profits 50/50 with Chachibobinks. There’s a blog to compliment the show!

Follow us at If you have questions, compliments, hate mail feel free to drop a note there as well.

Question for David G:

Tyler Pollock ‏@cyberpunkwarlok asked:

@davidgaider Who has the best butt in each Mass Effect and Dragon Age game? For example: Garrus in ME1, Bull in DAI etc etc.


How Gaming's Breakout Gay Character Came to Be - IGN

Eight Tactics for Engaging with Players on Social Media - Gamasutra

Thoughts on the internets teen angst

What we’re playing:

David G: Arkham Knight, Crusader Kings 2, Pillars of Eternity

Tanya: MGSV, DAI Trespasser

David R: Star Wars: Uprising, Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Where to find our guest online

Twitter: @davidgaider

GDC 2013 - Sex In Videogames Panel

GaymerX2 - Meet David Gaider Panel 2014 YouTube 52 min

Where to find your hosts online:

Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms

Twitch: //

Patreon: //

David L. Reeves - @RedConversation



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