Feminist gaming fight club with Amy Isaac
We chatted with Amy about gender disparity in voice acting, queer indie games research, WoW Raid design and starting a feminist gaming club at her college among lots of things!
We were featured in FemHype’s Sunday Loot on August 2nd! They had a piece every Sunday about a different topic or highlighting folks in the gaming space. We got a lovely write up along with our Brookago bro’s Spawn on Me, AppleCider Mage and Tzoefit on Justice Points, Anna Tarkov and Jessica Dennis from Unconsoleable, BTAPodcast Network, along with a few other podcasts we didn’t know about.
Question for Amy:
David had a question about the game Amy made: There’s a Bee in Here
EA Wraps Up First Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program
What’s Wrong with Being a Fangirl? Can’t Talk Media - Andrew Baker (@ABakerN7) (in response to the Telegraph piece: Fangirling your Faves is Cheap and Childish
Mafia III trailer released, has black man as lead character
One way to avoid Cultural Appropriation - Laura Hudson, Offworld
What we’re playing:
Amy: Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft, Transistor, Chibi-Robo, Alpha-Bear
Tanya: Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition
David: Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Cookie Jam, Star Trek Online
Where to find our guest online:
Twitter: @muinil
Itch.io: http://muinil.itch.io
Writing: filmdebuff.tumblr
Where to find your hosts online:
Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms
Twitch: twitch.tv/cypheroftyr // twitch.tv/INeedDivGames
Patreon: patreon.com/INeedDiverseGames
David L. Reeves - @RedConversation
Twitch: twitch.tv/red_conversation
Patreon patreon.com/redconversation
You can listen to the show at freshoutoftokens.simplecast.fm, email us at freshoutoftokens@gmail.com and follow us on twitter at @OutOfTokensCast.
The intro is from Magical Girls Can Trap by MGC.
The song at the end is Cold Like Metal (sinyk x juliustherobot) by MGC.
Both are from the album Magical Girls Run the World.