Hip Hop can help you code, and #GamingLooksGood thanks to Shareef Jackson
Welcome back!
Thanks for joining us for the second episode of Fresh Out of Tokens podcast. Thanks for your feedback on our first show. As for the audio quality, it should be improved with this episode due to new equipment and individually recorded tracks instead of one track for everyone. Now we have tees, and other items in the #INeedDiverseGames spreadshirt shop. We’re splitting the profits 50/50 with @ChachiBobinks who designed our supercute new logo.
Thanks again for the kind words, listens and shares!
We're now on Facebook, iTunes and Stitcher! You can get our RSS feed to add to your favorite podcast listening app. The one place we're not yet on is SoundCloud. We're trying to decide on setting up shop there too.
That said, feel free to give feedback, topic ideas or if you want to come and hang with us, drop a line to us at freshoutoftokens@gmail.com or on twitter at @OutOfTokensCast.
We've got music in this episode!
"Magical Girls Can Trap" & "Internet Kids" used with permission from MGC
Gaming news
Post E3 thoughts? Anything you wanted to see that didn’t get talked about?
SJ: (Splatoon DLC plans, Morpheus, no Man sky story).
TD: (No Man's Sky, Mass Effect remaster, [which isn't happening :( ]
DR: Nah Fallout 4 covered his needs :)
Did you see anything that made you really excited?
SJ: Hololens, Horizon, Last Guardian, Starfox
TD: Mass Effect: Andromeda, Hololens, Unravel, Dishonored 2
DR: Fallout 4, Horizon
Announced Games at E3: Fallout 4, Starfox Zero, Horizon, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Unravel, Shenmue III, Dishonored 2, Last Guardian, For Honor, Dreams, Mario Maker
1TB version of XB1 coming soon and backwards compatibility added to the XB1 effective now. We discussed if it will entice people to pick up either system if they'd previously chosen one over the other?
Shareef on social media:
Shareef's Offworld Article: How Hip Hop can teach you to code
@ShareefJackson // @GamingLooksGood // @OperationCube (co-hosted /w/JP Fairfield!
You can find your hosts at:
Tanya @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms, ineeddivgms.info // twitch.tv/cypheroftyr
David @RedConversation // davidlreeves.com // twitch.tv/red_conversation
Please support your hosts on Patreon!
David: http://patreon.com/redconversation
Tanya: http://patreon.com/INeedDivGms