08: Sketchnoting with Mike Rohde

Mike tries watercolor, talks about the Linea Instagram contest and watches makeup videos on YouTube. Mike then talks with the designer, illustrator and author Mike Rohde, the creator of Sketchnoting, about his journey from drawing cars as a kid to now inspiring others to draw with Sketchnoting. Mike Rohde talks about his exciting new product announcement and has a little homework for you. ===== LINKS FROM THE SHOW ===== Frog watercolor Linea Sketch app on Instagram Bullet Journaling The Daily Plan Bar by Mike Rohde (Medium) Dunbar’s Number Eva-Lotta Lamm Paper by Wetransfer Linea app Sketchnote Handbook Sketchnote Ideabook Airship Notebooks Sketchnote Army Steve Jobs Commencement Speech Sketchnoting Mini Workshop – Interaction South America 2017 Rohdesign (Twitter, Micro.blog, Instagram) ===== How to reach Mike Hendley ===== MikeHendley.com Show notes at DrawingInspiration.fm Instagram @MikeHendley using the hashtag #difmpodcast Twitter @MikeHendley Podcast theme music is “Acid Jazz” By Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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