DentalHacks episode 22: Dr. Rob Ritter and the $86 website
Last episode, Dr. Rob Ritter explained what it's like to be a speaker on the dental CE circuit. This episode we get down to business. We discuss his DIY website for his speaking business and how almost anyone can have an amazing web presence for next to no money. Take digital photos and show the world what you're doing for almost next to free. Then we talk about who dentistry has transitioned into an almost completely digital experience. He discusses digital impression scanners in depth (he's tried all of them) and gives his recommendation as well as what we should be looking for in the near future. Rob is a font of knowledge on materials and techniques and we've only just scratched the surface! Look for him to be a guest again! Then we pick up where we left off with the Brain Trust's marketing round table. What are the keys to having a successful direct mail campaign? Can Facebook marketing work for dentists? How about TV and radio? Magazines? The Brain Trust weighs in on all of this. Join previous DentalHacks interview guests Dr. Lance Timmerman and Dr. Ryan McCall as well as Brain Trust regulars Dr. Matt Standridge, Dr. Matt Garrison and Dr. Melissa Zettler as they continue discussing what works and what doesn't in dental marketing!