The DentalHacks Podcast episode 08: Rich Rosenblatt has a short attention span
In episode 8 of the DentalHacks podcast we continue our interview with Rich Rosenblatt. Rich talks a bit about the learning curve with CEREC and how much quicker it’s become with the new Omnicam. Then Rich talks about the interesting path he took in becoming a featured speaker. This week’s Brain Trust segment featuers Dr. Brent Young of Shelby, NC, Dr. Frank Clayton of Suwanne, GA, Dr. Tammy Bailey of Wausau, WI and Dr. Matt Standridge of Eureka, KS. The Brain Trust delves into the treating of the high caries patient as well as how to not take things personally when patients choose to put off or never complete treatment. They ask the question “why do my patients take the specialist’s word and not necessarily mine?” Funniest Brain Trust segment yet? We think, "yes!"