021: Turn off the noise and DO YOUR WORK (w/ Lisa Call)
Lisa Call is a self-taught artist who creates bold, geometric contemporary textile paintings composed of richly colored hand-dyed fabric. Her work is abstract but draws elements from many places -- her love of the geological forms of the Southwest, repetition, pattern, and an attraction to human-made structures for containment, such as fences and stone walls. Full shownotes: http://yourcreativepush.com/lisacall In this episode, Lisa discusses: -How she became a Co-Active life coach. -The reason her students needed coaching was less about the art and more about getting to the studio. -The idea that both being and doing are important. -How people should identify what matters to them and connecting with that. -How she suffers from the same fear that most people suffer from: the fear of not being enough. -How going back to work 40 hours a week was her biggest Resistance. -How she balances 3 full-time jobs. -Her battle with Neflix! -Sometimes not having a balance is better. -How she associates memories of her books on tape with a particular work. -Lisa takes us back to one of her first creative moments in elementary school. -She tells us about her most triumphant moment - when she made a piece that she looked at and said "I really am an artist." -How creativity brings passion and sanity to her life. -How motivational books can sometimes be detrimental if you don't need them. Lisa's final push is so simple and so easy to implement in your own life. You might ask yourself, "How have I not done this in my own life yet?" Quotes: "I don't really teach people how to make art. I teach them how to be an artist." "You can sit around and say you are making art, but until you get up and do it, you're not." "Try to connect with what is truly, authentically you, versus what you should be doing or what other people are doing." Links mentioned: Will Smith shares his secrets of success Co-Active Life Coaching Richard Diebonkorn on Pinterest Connect with Lisa: Website / Make Big Art / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram