LOD Xmas Special 2020: Classic Horror with Steve Urena
3 Hosts! 3 comics! It's a Triptych of Terror in the Longbox of Darkness this Xmas! So join Misty, Herman, and special guest Steve Urena, creator of the phenomenal Indie comic SLOW POKES, for our 2020 Special as we discuss classic Christmas horror tales from DC Comics, Warren's CREEPY Magazine, and EC's The Haunt of Fear. HAPPY HOLIDAYS and MERRY XMAS, horrorlings! For extra content, check out the blog at www.longboxofdarkness.com. Follow Misty @MistyGComics and Herman @darklongbox or @IntoWeird on Twitter. Download Steve's brilliant SLOW POKES at https://gumroad.com/steveurena#OBfEu Follow him on Twitter @Slowpokescomic Love you all! Stay frosty, and watch out for those psychopathic Santas.