How Lensrentals Reached a Million Orders
In 2006 Roger went on an Alaskan cruise and had to pay big bucks for a lens he knew wouldn’t be very useful to him after he came home. Thus an idea was born, and now 13 years later Lensrentals has fulfilled over 1 million orders! Watch our video celebrating our millionth order. Enter our millionth order giveaway. The Lensrentals Podcast is hosted by Roger Cicala. Our theme music was composed by Jacques Granger. Our sound engineers are Ryan Hill and Julian Harper. Other contributors include: Sarah McAlexander, Joey Miller, Drew Cicala, John Tucker, and SJ Smith. Let’s keep this conversation going! Leave a comment on our voicemail at 901-609-LENS or shoot us a question at: Read our blog Find us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Send us pictures of your cat on Twitter