Do we need to get older to get wiser, or can we learn from sharing mistakes [10]
There is great merit in sticking with something long enough that you actually benefit from your own mistakes. But we hope to make things a bit easier by sharing some of the mistakes we've made - from email marketing, understanding how to talk about yourself and your work and simply not knowing how to sell paintings because they are so mysteriously different. We have a great listener question: “When do you decide when a painting is finished? So often, I like what I see, but want to push forward for something even more dynamic. I am nervous that I will mess it up (and I have!). But...always afraid I am not reaching my full potential in a particular painting if I give up too early. Help!” We have some time based suggestions - and also the two types of fear you may be having around finishing a work. Finally, we are inspired by different reactions to art in completely different contexts and scale. And Riley has a reaction to the postman ;-) Find full show notes with images at: SUBMIT A QUESTION HERE Mentioned: Louise's 'different' painting Join our Facebook groups: Art Explorers with Alice Sheridan This Painting Life with Louise Fletcher Follow us on Instagram @alicesheridanstudio @louisefletcher_art Credits "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License