#27 Topshit Photography With Borut Peterlin
Another show that's been long in the making, and it comes three weeks in to a UK lockdown due to COVID-19, with photographers trying to make sense of it all, trying to find motivation, maybe dealing with anxiety or frustration. Borut Peterlin is a man consumed with his art-work, seeking self-expression through a +100 year old medium, communing with nature, exploring the meaning of rituals in life. Borut’s YouTube channel is a must watch, Simon you need to play it through your TV in your living room, it comes to life then and is much more interesting that Casualty…… We didn’t talk about gear at all, this was a thoughts and ideas show and was all the better for it, but listen and see for yourself. Borut’s links http://www.topshitphotography.com/ https://www.instagram.com/borutpeterlin/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjjZ-Qc43dF7xHBC92MAuA Things we chatted about on the show: Borut’s latest body of work the New Earth Project which I think is a complete change of lifestyle for him and not just a passing project, was influenced by work shown in Berlin by Cuban conceptual artist Ana Mendieta- here is a link to work that was on show at the Tate. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/ana-mendieta-11167 Writer, thinker and author Eckhart Tolle https://www.eckharttolle.com/ Thinker, writer and philosopher Alan Watts https://www.alanwatts.org/ Other News We didn’t mention this but along with Photostock 2020 the inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 has been cancelled. Lets see how COVID pans out over the summer but my guess this will now be moved to Spring 2021. And…. Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being. Also Simon is selling radio-active hard to find lens caps to amuse you in these dark days. And a dog piss soaked 3D printer just arrived at his house LFPP links - https://largeformatphotographypodcast.podbean.com/ ko-fi.com/largeformatphotographypodcast You can join in the fun at our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2296599290564807/ Get Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper Or from Simon – https://twitter.com/simonfor Email feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast largeformatphotographypodcast@gmail.com Podcast Hosts Social Media presence Simon Forster www.classiclensespodcast.com www.simonforsterphotographic.co.uk https://stores.ebay.co.uk/itsfozzyphotography https://www.flickr.com/photos/125323761@N07/ https://www.facebook.com/SimonForsterPhotographic/ https://www.instagram.com/simonforsterphotographic/ https://twitter.com/SimonFor Andrew Bartram https://anchor.fm/thelenslesspodcast https://andrewbartram.wordpress.com https://www.instagram.com/warboyssnapper https://www.imstagram.com/warboyssnapper_pinholes https://www.flickr.com/photos/warboyssnapper/ https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper