#15 Getting Stuck In (a slot canyon) with Alan Brock
Hunky Pilot, body builder and press up champion (ask Ben Horne) Alan Brock joins Simon and Andrew to chat about hiking in the far reaches of Zion National park, backpacking with an Intrepid Camera, the Darkslide Collective, Fresnel screens and lots of other stuff…..ahhhh you’ll have to listen. Oh and Simon clearly wants to get into wet mounting... (we left an outtake in the middle of recording) Links and references arising from the discussions: The View Camera Store in the USA sells all sorts of cool LF gear and Alan uses BTZ tubes for developing his sheet film. Andrew has one of their elasticated hoods https://viewcamerastore.com/products/btzs-4x5-b-w-film-tube-kit Justin Lowery came up quite a bit in the chat – check out his work here https://www.lowerylandscapes.com/ Wet scanning!!!! Check out google – here’s a video with a scary dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg6uO2ODvbY Alan uses Praus Productions for his film developing – looks like an interesting company https://www.4photolab.com/ Alan’s links http://www.alanbrockimages.com/ Check out Alan’s flying vids https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=alan+brock+aviationaqpvt=alan+brock+aviationaFORM=VDRE LFPP links - https://largeformatphotographypodcast.podbean.com/ ko-fi.com/largeformatphotographypodcast You can join in the fun at our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2296599290564807/ Get Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper Or from Simon – https://twitter.com/simonfor Email feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast largeformatphotographypodcast@gmail.com Podcast Hosts Social Media presence Simon Forster www.classiclensespodcast.com www.simonforsterphotographic.co.uk https://stores.ebay.co.uk/itsfozzyphotography https://www.flickr.com/photos/125323761@N07/ https://www.facebook.com/SimonForsterPhotographic/ https://www.instagram.com/simonforsterphotographic/ https://twitter.com/SimonFor Andrew Bartram https://anchor.fm/thelenslesspodcast https://andrewbartram.wordpress.com https://www.instagram.com/warboyssnapper https://www.imstagram.com/warboyssnapper_pinholes https://www.flickr.com/photos/warboyssnapper/ https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper