#09 Residual Energy And X-Ray Film With Gregg Obst
True to our word we get last week’s runner up on the show in the form of Greg Obst – Greg proves to be another “great value” guest leaving us both inspired fired up to get out there and make pictures. The “why” of photography is a bit of a running theme of ours and makes a refreshing change from too much “gear talk” – we love that too don’t get me wrong but what goes on in a large format photographers hear…well, heck who wouldn’t be interested in that? (no need to answer it was rhetorical). Greg talks about his love of photographing places that ooze with what we might call “a sense of place” , lingering energy and a need to make a picture that reflects how he feels about a place. Sometimes no pictures are taken at all. Wonderful stuff Greg we enjoyed it immensely. Links and references arising from the discussions: Greg and Andrew talk about using xray film and in particular Greg’s preferred single sided Ektascan B/RA made by medical imagers Carestream – if you live in the USA its great value still but will only get more expensive we think. https://www.zzmedical.com/8x10-in-carestream-kodak-ektascan-b-ra-single-emulsion-video-film.html Greg mentioned “The Large Format Photography Forum” as a good place to go for all things X ray film (and more related) https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/ When Greg talks at length about places that carry a sense of residual energy, especially where bad things have happened we were reminded of Eric Swanger’s work – check it out here. https://consofcart.wordpress.com/ Two notable influencers for Greg are Fredrick Evans and Bruce Barnbaum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_H._Evans Andrew recommended two books by Bruce and a YouTube video https://read.amazon.co.uk/kp/embed?asin=B00VB46KLCapreview=newtabalinkCode=kpearef_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_GGljDbZF5MBTR https://www.amazon.co.uk/Art-Photography-2nd-Personal-Expression/dp/1681982102/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=bruce+barnbaumaqid=1562687592as=gatewayasr=8-1 https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bruce+barnbaum+youtubeaview=detailamid=5DD29069EAE1E4D1EF725DD29069EAE1E4D1EF72aFORM=VIRE Greg’s links http://greggobst.com/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/greggobst LFPP links - https://largeformatphotographypodcast.podbean.com/ ko-fi.com/largeformatphotographypodcast You can join in the fun at our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2296599290564807/ Get Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper Or from Simon – https://twitter.com/simonfor Email feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast largeformatphotographypodcast@gmail.com Podcast Hosts Social Media presence Simon Forster www.classiclensespodcast.com www.simonforsterphotographic.co.uk https://stores.ebay.co.uk/itsfozzyphotography https://www.flickr.com/photos/125323761@N07/ https://www.facebook.com/SimonForsterPhotographic/ https://www.instagram.com/simonforsterphotographic/ https://twitter.com/SimonFor Andrew Bartram https://anchor.fm/thelenslesspodcast https://andrewbartram.wordpress.com https://www.instagram.com/warboyssnapper https://www.imstagram.com/warboyssnapper_pinholes https://www.flickr.com/photos/warboyssnapper/ https://twitter.com/warboyssnapper